Friday, April 1, 2016

Sunday Moody Sunday

I talk about church a lot.  I don't go to a "church".  I don't claim to be a part of any one particular "church".  Not anymore.  So when I talk about church, I'm not specifically talking about one or another.  I'm talking about all the churches I hear about on a daily basis and how many people are upset, disappointed or hurt by the Church. 

Continuing to talk about money this morning.  Yesterday there was some good discussion about people not tithing to the church anymore.  Some had chimed in and said that once they give their money to the church it's the church's responsibility to do the right thing with it.  I just can't get behind that thinking entirely.  And here's why.

Recently I had heard about a church sending out mailings to a community in which 85% of the people already go to church.  Why not just have the people that go invite people personally?  Why the spending of 3-5k on one mailing to get people to come to "your" church?  One person chimed in and said if you want to talk about misuse of funds, talk about the buildings projects, chandeliers, flat screen tv's, state of the art A/V, and all of that other "stuff".  Sure that makes for an inviting facility if you like that materialistic sort of feel.  What was wrong with the old flat screen tv's?  

I'm seriously asking these questions.  

Why am I questioning and critiquing  the church so much?  Because when you have a bible that points to a Man/God, Jesus, who was born to a virgin, performed miracles, loved people like no other, was crucified as a criminal hated by many, rose from the dead three days later, and an entire movement of faith was started as a result and is still continuing to this day 2000 yeas later.  You'd better take it seriously.  And I highly doubt Jesus needed flat screen tv's,  crystal chandeliers, and instead of fliers he'd walk around talking to people.  

Does church serve a good purpose, sure.  It refreshes people and recharges them for the upcoming week at work.  Or looking for work.  It provides community with friends.  It allows people to gather  all with a common interest. The church is there for many people that come to it who need some encouragement and good feels.  And I'm sure a bunch of other things too.  Do you know where else people can get that?  A golf course.  A picnic with friends and family.  A run.  An hour of meditation. The gym.  


Meeting up with 10 or so other people on a weekly basis at someones house.  No special sunday service required in addition to that.  

Next up.  The industry of christian.  Giving to get. And why pastors are bridled.  

Sometimes I feel like a total prick writing about my thoughts.  
I grew up going to church.  I know lots of good people very committed to the church. 
And they are good people.  So I want to be very clear, my writings are not personal
to any individual.  


  1. Doesn't sound like you have much of a problem with church as much as church done poorly

    1. Perhaps. When you can go to 5 different churches in a 1 mile radius, it makes me think they aren't all on the same page.
